
spine injuries in osteochondrosis

Many often hear, but do not know exactly what osteochondrosis is. Actually, this disease is not so rare. This disease is characterized by dystrophic-degenerative lesions of the vertebral tissue, further deformation of the discs between the vertebrae, as well as the adjacent ligaments of the spinal apparatus.

As a rule, pathology first negatively affects ligaments, then bones and other tissues. Patients go to the doctor as soon as they start to feel regular pain.

Statistics show that 50 to 90% of the world's population has osteochondrosis of the spine. Often, symptoms of osteochondrosis appear in people who have crossed the threshold of 30 years, but there is a risk of manifestations even in adolescents.

Stages of disease development

In medicine, there are several stages of the course of the disease:

  • in phase 1dehydration of the nucleus pulposus is observed, which in turn leads to the appearance of deformations in the fibrous ring. The initial stage is characterized by the development of symptoms within the vertebral disc. Signs of osteochondrosis are not expressed. Treatment of osteochondrosis at this stage can be carried out with the help of exercise therapy and massage;
  • in phase 2after the change in the height of the disc and after the dehydration of the ligament, the muscles begin to converge. This causes them to relax. Signs of osteochondrosis also include excessive mobility in the spine. This, in turn, can cause the process of displacement of the vertebrae;
  • in phase 3signs of osteochondrosis become the most pronounced, as the patient may experience protrusion of the intervertebral discs or even prolapse. Also, due to changes in the bones and muscles, the joints begin to suffer, which causes arthrosis;
  • in phase 4the patient's spine is already adapting to the resulting changes. The body tries to immobilize the spine as much as possible in order to preserve its protective and musculoskeletal function. At the same time, osteophytes begin to spread in the intervertebral discs - bony growths that form on nearby vertebrae. The resulting osteophytes can cause injury to nerve endings. The result is their isolation.

Causes of disease

Signs of osteochondrosis can appear for the following reasons:

  • spinal injury;
  • tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • natural aging process;
  • the presence of constant physical overload;
  • obesity;
  • improper posture;
  • the presence of constant vibrations - relevant for several professions, for example, drivers of large trucks;

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of osteochondrosis may not appear immediately. The main symptoms include back discomfort as well as pain. Symptoms of osteochondrosis most often appear when the patient exposes the body to great physical effort. Also a symptom of the disease is a feeling of numbness in the limbs. When at least one of these signs appears, you need to pay attention to their nature and intensity - pain in the leg or arm can manifest in different ways. Additional signs of osteochondrosis are disc herniation, as well as protrusion or pinching of the nerve ending.

numbness of the extremities with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the spine is of the following types, depending on localization:

  • in the cervical region;
  • in the area of the sternum;
  • in the lumbosacral region.

Treatment of diseases

Treatment of osteochondrosis includes a combination of the following methods:

  • therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis or exercises;
  • physiotherapy procedures (acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, electrical stimulation);
  • diet for osteochondrosis;
  • spinal traction;
  • massage for osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis should be started as soon as possible, but even in the last stages there are great chances to overcome the disease.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis is one of the most effective methods of prevention and stopping the manifestations of the disease. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis includes such exercises that can strengthen the muscles of the back and the whole body. It is necessary to perform gymnastics daily in order to achieve the effect after a few sessions. Gymnastics for osteochondrosis includes popular exercises that are probably known to many, because they are used in the complex of morning exercises.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis not only contributes to quick recovery, but is also able to prevent the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. Instead of morning exercises, you can do exercises for osteochondrosis.

Filling with osteochondrosis should straighten the uneven column of the spine, strengthen the corset of the back muscles, improve metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues. Proper exercise in osteochondrosis improves blood supply to the brain and helps to widen the gap between the vertebrae, which allows you to release previously compressed nerve endings. For a patient, performing exercises for osteochondrosis may only take a few minutes every day, but even this can lead to a noticeable reduction in the manifestations of the disease in a few weeks. And in the early stages, exercise with osteochondrosis is not the main method of treatment at all.

Another advantage of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is that the complex is designed for people of all ages, as it takes into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the body. Exercises for osteochondrosis can be performed at home, or perhaps in a clinic on special simulators. It should be noted that with quality and proper exercise, treating osteochondrosis at home brings the same effective results as performing therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis in a clinic.

Diet for osteochondrosis should include lean meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Diet for osteochondrosis foresees frequent eating (5-6 times a day). At the last meal of the day, you should take a glass of fermented milk products.

Diet for osteochondrosis sharply limits the intake of legumes, grapes and their products, muffins, spices and various refined products. When the doctor draws up his diet plan for osteochondrosis for the patient, he will also include baked goods that contain bran, fruits, vegetables and berries (especially sea buckthorn).

harmful products for osteochondrosis

Nutrition in osteochondrosis performs the restorative function of the body, supplying the cells with building material. It is important to remember that the diet for osteochondrosis (as well as for the prevention of various other diseases) includes careful chewing of food. The process of taking food at the same time takes at least 15 minutes. The more saliva and gastric juice are secreted, the greater the effect of a rational and balanced diet in osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is also carried out with the help of massage. Massage for osteochondrosis is performed when the patient does not feel pain when touched. Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis has a reflex effect on painful areas by stimulating parts of the body that are not susceptible to diseases. At the same time, massage for osteochondrosis should begin very gently, so as not to cause discomfort in the form of muscle tension.

The technique according to which osteochondrosis massage is performed suggests that the patient lies on his stomach in the most relaxed position during the session. The general goals of massage for osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • pain relief;
  • improvement of metabolism in the area of occurrence of the disease;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes in the area of the intervertebral disc.

Also, disputes about how to cure osteochondrosis at home do not subside. There are many alternative methods, but their use must be agreed with the attending physician. Now all doctors unanimously say that massage and exercises for osteochondrosis are the right ways to first reduce all the symptoms of the disease, and then to completely overcome it.